As an AKUBRA retailer, we are currently only able to DISPLAY our AKUBRA products range online.
If you would like to purchase AKUBRA products, Please come to our Quality Aussie Bush Hats Store in Cairns QLD.
MAP of our store
As of 07-MAR-2025
See stock availability below the table.
*We will endeavour to update the stock, but as it changes daily, please understand that it may be sold out.
Colour | Stock |
Black | 30 |
Tan | 36 |
Colour - Black

Colour -Tan

The Akubra Chinstrap uses a patented metal clip to attach the chinstrap to any Akubra Hat with a leather inner sweat band. The strap can be removed at the breakaway when not needed leaving the breakaway and clip discretely in place for the next time you want to reattach the strap.